Purrsia Awards

Over the years, Purrsia Cattery has received a number of awards from TICA. Here are a few of our most recent award-winning cats!

IW BW SGC Purrsia Pardonne Moi "Beatrice"

Black Flock Coat Peterbald Female
Best International Shorthair Cat
Best Mid Pacific Region Allbreed Cat
Best International Peterbald Cat
B/O Susanna & Steven Shon

RW SGC Purrsia Avant Garde "Ava"

Black/white flock coat PD Female
B/O Susanna & Steven Shon

IW SGCA Purrsia Cocoanut

Seal Point Peterbald Female
Breeder: Susanna & Steven Shon
Owner: Michelle Rizzi Curtis

IW SGC Purrsia Voulez Vous "Liam"

2016-2017 5th Best International Allbreed Cat
2nd Best International Shorthair Cat
Best Southwest Region Allbreed Cat
Best International Peterbald Cat
6th Best International Peterbald Kitten
24th Best Southwest Region Kitten

IW SGC Purrsia Elle Sapelle Camille

2015-2016 6th Best International Allbreed Cat
3rd Best International Shorthair Cat
Best Southwest Region Allured Cat
Best International Peterbald Cat

RW SGCA Purrsia Theophile Gautier

Black/White Peterbald Male
Breeder: Susanna & Steven Shon
Owner: Brigitte Cowell Moyne

RW (Kitten) Purrsia Emmeline

Seal Tortie Point Peterbald Female
B/O Susanna & Steven Shon

IW SGC Purrsia Mousse au Chocolat

2015-2016 6th Best International Allbreed Cat
3rd Best International Shorthair Cat
Best Southwest Region Allured Cat
Best International Peterbald Cat

IW SGC Purrsia Mathilda

2013-2014 9th Best International Allbreed Cat
2nd Best International Shorthair Cat
Best Southwest Region Allbreed Cat
3rd Best Southwest Region Allbreed Kitten
Best International Peterbald Cat
Best International Peterbald Kitten